Letters To The Editor

If you would like to submit a Letter to the Editor:


East County Journal Circulation is 7,100

Letters to the Editor submission Deadline is Monday at noon. Paper comes out on Wednesday

Send letters to the East County Journal editor online: ecjeditor@devaulpublishing.com

278 W. Main Street, Morton WA 98356
or P.O. Box PO Box 1166, Morton, WA 98356

Phone: 360-496-5993


The Chronicle

The Chronicle print edition has an estimated readership of 22,500 people. Content is updated daily online and the newspaper delivers three days a week to residents and businesses in Lewis County and South Thurston County. Our printed paper has a 25-75 age demographic.

Chronline.com digital presence has a user base of roughly 1,000,000 page views every month.

Letters to the Editor submission deadline is at least a few days before publication:

The Chronicle Newspaper is published every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday

Send letters to the Chronicle editor online: https://www.chronline.com/forms/letters/

Main Office
321 N. Pearl St. Centralia, WA 98531
Phone:  866-808-0346